cardiac / circulatory


Heart chambers, blood flow, heart beat, blood supply, heart sounds.
Charisma Lawless
FlashCards por Charisma Lawless, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Charisma Lawless
Criado por Charisma Lawless mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
The valve that separates the LEFT atrium & the Left ventricle mitral/ bicuspid valve
the right atrium gets blood from? superior (or/ anterior) & the inferior (or posterior) Vena cava.
This includes blood flow to all parts of the body except the lungs Systemic circulation
This includes blood flow out of the heart pulmonary circulation
The side of the heart is responsible for the returning oxygen rich blood to the body left side handles the systemic circulation.
the side of the heart that gets blood from the body that is oxygen POOR the right side handles the oxygen poor blood known as the pulmonary circulation
The conduction system of the heart S.A node (sinoatrial) A.V. node (atrioventricular) & the bundle of HIS.
Name the location / place(s) of the conduction system The S.A node is in the upper right atrium, A.V node is in the lower right atrium. The Bundle of His is in the septum of the heart.
The Bundle of His is also known as the ? Right & Left bundle branches.
This is known as the natural pacemaker of the heart. S.A node (sinoatrial)
In an EKG the P wave is due to the contraction of the ? atria/atriums


Mapa da prova da OAB 1a Fase-Distribuição de Questões
Treinador OAB
Prazos – TJ – SP
Luis Augusto Oliveira
Simulado Geografia
Marina Faria
Camila Tais
Vestibular - Guia de Estudos
Alessandra S.
Matemática 9º ano
Carlos Itapecuru
Classificação Periódica dos Elementos
Mariana Nogueira
Renata Reis
Hebreus, Fenícios e Persas
Júlia Flores
Organização Básica da Marinha
Alan Amanthea