Scott, Darian - Vocab Unit 5


FlashCards sobre Scott, Darian - Vocab Unit 5, criado por Darian Jerome Scott em 19-11-2013.
Darian Jerome Scott
FlashCards por Darian Jerome Scott , atualizado more than 1 year ago
Darian Jerome Scott
Criado por Darian Jerome Scott mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
incinerate to burn to ashes
intrepid very brave, fearless, unshakable
larceny theft
pliant bending readily; easily influenced
pompous overly self-important in speech and manner; excessively stately or ceremonious
precipice a very steep cliff; the brink or edge of disaster
prototype an original model on which later versions are patterned
rectify to make right, correct
reprieve A temporary relief or delay; to grant a postponement
revile to attack with words, call bad names


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