Serbian Basic Course Unit 1 Day 3 Latinic


Fsi language Serbian FlashCards sobre Serbian Basic Course Unit 1 Day 3 Latinic, criado por FSI Serbian em 25-07-2022.
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FlashCards por FSI Serbian, atualizado 5 meses atrás
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Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Izvinite Excuse me, pardon me
Odakle ste? Where are you from?
odakle where from, whence
Čestitam! Congratulations!
čestitati to congratulate
komplikovan, komplikovana, komplikovano, (adj.) complicated
interesantan, interesantna, interesantno, (adj.) interesting
posao, (m.) job, work
puno a lot, many
puno putujem I travel a lot
putovati to travel
upoznajem I meet
upoznavati to meet
ljudi people
vrlo very
svakog dana every day
sedim I sit
sedeti to sit
kafić, (m.) coffee house
razgovaram I talk
razgovarati to talk, to converse
čitam I read
čitati to read
novine newspapers
štampa, (f.) press
volim I like, love
voleti to like/love
Kolega kaže da... A colleague says that...
kazati to say
radoholičar, radoholičarka workaholic
Možda! Maybe! Perhaps!
inostranstvo, (n.) abroad, foreign countries
Da li mogu..? May I...?
Da li mogu da Vas pozovem? May I give you a call?
pozvati to call
Možemo... We can
moći can
posebno especially


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