Serbian Basic Course Unit 4 Day 1 2022


Fsi language Serbian FlashCards sobre Serbian Basic Course Unit 4 Day 1 2022, criado por FSI Serbian em 26-07-2022.
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FlashCards por FSI Serbian, atualizado 5 meses atrás
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Criado por FSI Serbian quase 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
kafeterija, (f.) cafeteria
ručati to have lunch
tačno exactly
inače by the way
zanimanje, (n.) profession, occupation
po zanimanju by profession
rešavati to solve
zakon, (m.) law
stručnjak, (m.) expert
ženska prava women’s rights
Da li ste se smestili? Have you settled in?
stvar (f.) thing
stići to arrive
kupiti to buy
krevet, (m.) bed
sto, (m.) table
stolica, (f.) chair
zid, (m.) wall
prazan, prazna, prazno, (adj.) empty, barren
bez without
slika, (f.) painting, photograph
jedino only
nalaziti se to be located, situated
nažalost unfortunately
na sreću luckily
bogu iza nogu in the middle of nowhere
kuća, (f.) house
dvosoban stan, (m.) two bedroom apartment
spavaća soba, (f.) bedroom
kuhinja, (f.) kitchen
dnevni boravak, (m.) living room
prostran, prostrana, prostrano, (adj.) spacious
svetao, svetla, svetlo, (adj.) bright
prozor, (m.) window
pogled (na ) view (of)
podzemna garaža, (f.) underground parking
uvek always
sve je u redu everything is all right
Hvala bogu! Thank God!
pauza, (f.) break
poruka, (f.) message
poslati to send


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