
Jordanian JOR_RT1 (D)Tourism and Travel) FlashCards sobre JOR_RT1_L28, criado por Summar Mohamed em 04-08-2022.
Summar Mohamed
FlashCards por Summar Mohamed, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Summar Mohamed
Criado por Summar Mohamed quase 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
الحمدلله على السلامة Welcome back!
!الله يسلمك a response to "welcome back"
أماكن سياحية touristy places
السُياح tourists
عجبكم you (all) liked it
شو أكثر شئ عجبكم؟ What did you all like most?
البلد the country
نظيفة clean (fem.)
متعاونة cooperative (fem.)
الناس متعاونة people are cooperative
...التقينا بـ we met...
صاحبك your friend (masc.)
إن شاء الله ما تغلبتو؟ hope you didn't have a hard time
زحمة crowded
الشناتي luggage
تأخرنا we were late
عبين until
استأجرنا we rented
غالية expensive (fem.)
صحيح هالحكي؟ Is that true?
موفقة successful (fem.)
شو أكثر شئ عجبك؟ What did you like most? (masc.)
السوق القديم the old market (Old Bazaar)
وسط البلد downtown
سمعت I heard
الأكل التركي Turkish food
بلاد الشام Levant
بشكل عام in general
البحر الأبيض المتوسط The Mediterranean Sea
بلادنا our countries


Noções Gerais de Direito Administrativo
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Poder Constituinte
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Questões - Lei 8112/90
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Simulado Matemática
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1º Lista de exercícios - Limites
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Reino Monera
Fisiologia Humana
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Júlia Figueiredo
Transformações Químicas e Físicas
Andrea Barreto M. Da Poça
Membrana Plasmática
Hugo Fonseca