Module 4: Implement IP Address Management > Unit: Administer IP Address Management


FlashCards sobre Module 4: Implement IP Address Management > Unit: Administer IP Address Management, criado por Rick Schoenman em 27-10-2022.
Rick Schoenman
FlashCards por Rick Schoenman, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rick Schoenman
Criado por Rick Schoenman mais de 1 ano atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
To establish fine-grained control of the IPAM implementation, RBAC can be used. Which 3 layers of configuration can be managed using RBAC? - Roles - Access Scopes - Access Policies
Describe an IPAM RBAC Role A role is a collection of IPAM operations. 9 roles are built-in, but custom ones can be created
Describe an IPAM RBAC Access Scope An Access Scope determines the objects to which a user has access to. the 'Global' Access Scope, grants access to all objects in IPAM.
Describe an IPAM RBAC Access Policy An Access Policy combines a Role with a Access Scope.
There is a table listing the 9 IPAM security groups. .


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