
basic attack properties and frame data for baiken's moveset
Julzzz zzzzzz
FlashCards por Julzzz zzzzzz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Julzzz zzzzzz
Criado por Julzzz zzzzzz mais de 1 ano atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Baiken 5P Guard: All Startup: 4 Active: 2 Recovery: 10 On-Block: -2
Baiken 5K Guard: All Startup: 7 Active: 5 Recovery: 10 On-Block: -3
Baiken cS Guard: All Startup: 7 Active: 6 Recovery: 10 On-Block: +1
Baiken fS Guard: All Startup: 9 Active: 6 Recovery: 15 On-Block: -7
Baiken 5H Guard: All Startup: 13 Active: 2 Recovery: 25 On-Block: -8
Baiken 5D (charged values in brackets) Guard: High Startup: 20 [28] Active: 3 [3] Recovery: 26 [26] On-Block: -15 [-10]
Baiken 2P Guard: All Startup: 6 Active: 3 Recovery: 9 On-Block: -2
Baiken 2K Guard: Low Startup: 6 Active: 5 Recovery: 10 On-Block: -3
Baiken 2S Guard: All Startup: 11 Active: 3 Recovery: 19 On-Block: -8 Loses to Faust 6P
Baiken 2H Guard: Low Startup: 17 Active: 6 Recovery: 26 On-Block: -13
Baiken 2D (2-hit sweep) Guard: Low Startup: 10 Active: 6, 3 Recovery: 21 On-Block: -10
Baiken 6P Guard: All Startup: 9 Active: 5 Recovery: 19 On-Block: -10 1-3f upper body invuln 4-13 above knees invuln
Baiken 6K Guard: All Startup: 12 Active: 9 Recovery: 10 On-Block: -5 Frametraps into Tatami
Baiken 6H Guard: All Startup: 20 Active: 8 Recovery: 24 On-Block -13
Baiken jP Guard: High Startup: 5 Active: 3 Recovery: 13
Baiken jK Guard: High Startup: 7 Active: 8 Recovery: 12
Baiken jS Guard: High Startup: 8 Active: 7 Recovery: 19
Baiken jH Guard: High Startup: 15 Active: Until Landing Recovery: Landing +3
Baiken jD Guard: High Startup: 12 Active: 3 Recovery: 26


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