

Instructor Rotation four FlashCards sobre SD_R4_L45, criado por Adlan Abdelaziz em 09-12-2022.
Adlan Abdelaziz
FlashCards por Adlan Abdelaziz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Adlan Abdelaziz
Criado por Adlan Abdelaziz mais de 1 ano atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
بتسوي في شنو؟ What are you doing?
انتهاكات violations
حقوق الإنسان human rights
قوات الأمن security forces
ضد against
متظاهرين demonstrators
ضد المتظاهرين against demonstrators
ضربت it beat up
قوات الأمن ضربت واعتقلت ... security forces beat up and arrested ...
سياسة التقشّف austerity policy
مؤخرا lately / recently
عائدات البترول oil revenues
بلد غني بـ ... a country rich in...
انخفضت decreased
أسعار البترول انخفضت oil prices have decreased
مطالب demands
يتنحى he steps down
يتنحى عن السلطة he steps down from power
منظمات حقوقية human rights organizations
منظمات نسائية women's organizations
الرئيس طالب ب... the president demanded that
حوار dialogue
حوار سياسي political dialogue
اتّهم accused
تدخّل في شؤون فنزويلا الداخلية interfering in Venezuela's internal affairs
موقف position / stance
ثابت firm


Português - Gramática
Nikita Northman
Classificação dos crimes
simone ferreira
Direito Internacional Público
Inglês para a copa do Mundo
Alessandra S.
Conceitos de Contabilidade
Alessandra S.
Preposições em inglês
GoConqr suporte .
Phrasal Verbs - Inglês #1
Eduardo .
Expressões em inglês #5
Eduardo .
10 Dicas para lidar com conflitos no ambiente de trabalho
Liliane Tubino
Inquérito policial
Marcelo Llaberia
Grécia Clássica
jacson luft