Content 1 Revision Flashcards


FlashCards sobre Content 1 Revision Flashcards, criado por Alison Porter em 12-03-2023.
Alison Porter
FlashCards por Alison Porter, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Alison Porter
Criado por Alison Porter aproximadamente 1 ano atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Theory: Literacy learning in additional languages is a tool for developing cultural awareness Can you think of activities which support this? Practice: Learners could be encouraged to read texts that engage with the target language culture and to consider differences and similarities across cultures.
Theory: Foundational literacy skills can transfer across languages from L1 to L2 and L2 to L1. What kinds of teaching activities might support this transfer? Practice: Learners could be encouraged to practise segmenting the spoken word and decoding (sounding out and blending) the written word.
Theory: Engagement with language learning can support the development of metacognition and creativity. Suggest some teaching ideas to develop this! Practice: Learners should have opportunities to problem-solve in language tasks; to make guesses and re-evaluate understanding.
Theory: Seeing the written word can be beneficial for beginner learners. What could you do in a classroom to make links with L1 literacy? Practice: Learners should engage in learning activities which embrace their developing L1 literacy skills such as the use of adjectives, Wow words, and conjunctions to create extended sentences.


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