Chemistry Acids and Alkalis


A flashcard quiz rather than a fully informative flashcard
Anya Wells
FlashCards por Anya Wells, atualizado 2 meses atrás
Anya Wells
Criado por Anya Wells 2 meses atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Which of the pH numbers indicates a neutral substance? 7
What colour is universal indicator in a neutral solution? Green
Which of the pH numbers indicates a strong acid? 1-3
Which of the following substances contain an alkali? Baking powder Coca cola Distilled water Vinegar Backing powder
What is a hazard of acids and alkalis? Corrosive and/or caustic
Which of the pH numbers indicate a strong alkali? 12-14 11 possibly as well but a bit of a stretch.
Which of the following substances are acidic? An orange Bleach Distilled water Washing powder Orange
What colour is universal indicator in strong acid? Red
What colour is universal indicator in a strong alkali? Purple/dark blue


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