How much do you remember from Year 8 Music?


Stage 5 Music Yr 9 [200hr] FlashCards sobre How much do you remember from Year 8 Music?, criado por krennes em 14-01-2014.
FlashCards por krennes, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por krennes mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
True or False: Music reflects the time and people throughout history. True
True or False? What we understand today as 'Rock Music' originated in the 1950's. True: Rock music did not exist before Rock'n'Roll music developed it in the 1950's.
What influenced the development of instruments used in Rock Music? Experimentation and Technology
How many strings on a guitar? 6 (but only 4 on a bass guitar)
What is the main difference in how sound is produced when comparing an electric verses an acoustic guitar? The acoustic guitar has a sound hole which amplify's the sound whereas an electric guitar must be plugged into an amplifier.
Name as many parts of a drum kit as you can. Crash cymbol, ride cymbol, hi-hats, tom-toms, floor tom, bass drum.
True or False? Triads & Chords refer to the same thing? Pretty much true. A triad is a type of chord which uses 3 notes. When played on guitar we call them chords, on keyboard the easist chord positions to learn are triads.
How can you tell the difference between Major and minor chords when you hear them? Major chords have a happy/bright tone, and minor chords have a sad/melancholic tone
What is the correct name given to a pattern of chords which is repeated throughout a song? Chord Progression eg: The 12 bar blues chord progression is commonly used in Rock'n'roll music.
True or False? The name of a chord/triad comes from the middle note of the chord/triad. False, it is always named after the lowest note of the chord. CEG= C chord, DFA= D chord etc
How many different chord positions can you now play on the guitar? 0: not good! 1-3: Keep practicing/revising 4-6: You're on track well done. 7 or more: Outstanding
List some of the sections of a song that might make up a typical structure of a rock song. Intro, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, verse, bridge, chorus, instrumental/solo, coda/outro/fade out.
Explain the role of a bass player in a song. The bass player plays the low notes, often using a funky rhythm.
Explain the difference in roles of a lead guitarist and a rhythm guitarist. Lead plays the solos and the main melodies (finger picking) and the rhythm guitarist plays chords (strumming).
What does singing in 'Falsetto' mean? Males singing in a very high voice.
True or False? Females can sing in Falsetto False
What is the word given when the music is accenting the 'off beat'? Syncopation


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