revision unit 1.2


FlashCards sobre revision unit 1.2, criado por shuaib Mohamed em 26-03-2016.
shuaib Mohamed
FlashCards por shuaib Mohamed, atualizado more than 1 year ago
shuaib Mohamed
Criado por shuaib Mohamed aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is Mutualism an interaction between organisms where both the organisms benefit from the relationship and neither is harmed
What is Commensalism an interaction between two organisms where one of them benefits but the other one is not affected
What is Parasitism an interaction where one type of organism (the parasite) lives on or in another type of organism (the host); the host is usually harmed or even killed
What are Abiotic factors non-living factors in the environment
What are Adaptions characteristics that help an organism to survive in its environment
What is the Biosphere the place where all life exists consists of Earth and its atmosphere
What are Biotic factors living factors in the environment
What are Ecologists scientists who study the interactions between living things and their environment
What is a Ecosystem a system formed by organisms interacting with each other and their non-living surroundings in a balanced way
What is an Enviroment the term used to describe all the conditions that affect a plant or animal in its habitat


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