Riker whitt hand tools and small equipment


FlashCards sobre Riker whitt hand tools and small equipment , criado por rwhitt2019 em 29-03-2016.
FlashCards por rwhitt2019, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por rwhitt2019 aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Sieve Has a mesh screen to sift flour and other dry baking ingredients and to remove any large impurities.
Straight Spatula its a flexible round tipped tool used for icing cake,spreading fillings and glazes,leveling dry ingredients when measuring, and even turning pancakes and other foods.
Tamis/Drum Sieve its a screen that stretches across a metal or wood base that is shaped like a drum, and food is forced through it. It's used to puree very soft foods and to remove solids from purees.
Zester A Zester shreds small pieces of the outer peel of citrus fruits such as oranges,lemons,and limes.
Coffee Maker is a machine that automatically makes coffee. The operator adds coffee and, because the unit is usually connected to in a variety of sizes, form one that makes a single 12-cup pot to the large banquet-size urns that make 100+ cups.
Espresso Machine This machine produces the traditional Italian coffee beverage called espresso. Espresso is a concentrated coffee beverage brewed by forcing hot water under pressure through finely ground coffee.


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