Mandarin Quiz May 2nd 2016


FlashCards sobre Mandarin Quiz May 2nd 2016, criado por Halie Mei Jensen em 27-04-2016.
Halie Mei Jensen
FlashCards por Halie Mei Jensen, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Halie Mei Jensen
Criado por Halie Mei Jensen aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
To buy mai
Thing/stuff Dongxi
Clothes Yifu
1/2 kilo Jin
Bottle Ping
Want Yao
How many/ how much Duoshao
Money Qian
Chicken Jirou
Pork Zhurou
Pig Zhu
Altogether Yigong
Zero Ling
2016 Er ling yi liu nian
Pay money Fu qian
Chinese currency Yuan
One cent Fen
100 Bai
Half Ban
Dollar (in chinese currency) Kuai
多少 Duoshao (How much/how many)
Kuai (dollar)
Fen (One cent)
猪肉 Zhurou (Pork)
一共 Yigong (Altogether)
Qian (money)
Mao or Jiao (10 cents)
Ji (chicken)
Ling (zero)
Pingguo duoshao qian yi jin? How much is 1/2 kg of apples?
Ni xihuan mai dongxi ma? Do you like to shop?
Jin (1/2 kg)
Water Shui
Dianxin Snack (dimsum)
Hai Also
A: What are you buying? B: I am buying a snack. A: Are you buying 1/2 kg of chicken? B: I am buying 1/2 kg of chicken. A: What else are you buying? B: I am also buying one bottle of water and two bottles of milk.
Today is Saturday, I want to buy a lot of things. I want to buy five bottles of water, three bottles of milk and six eggs. I also want to buy a couple of one pound of apples and 1/2 kg of snacks.
To buy (mai)
Water (shui)
点心 Dessert (dim sum) (dianxin)
Also (hai)
Bottle (ping)
And (he)
东西 Thing (dongxi)


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