Grade 9 Electricity


The view of Electricity unit for P.A.T
Nyakek Roum
FlashCards por Nyakek Roum, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Nyakek Roum
Criado por Nyakek Roum quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is electricity? Electricity is a form of energy that can be changed from or into another form of energy by technogical devices.
What is a cell? A cell is a device that changes chemical energy into electrical energy
What do cells need to change chemical energy into electrical energy? They need two different metal electrodes and an electrolyte.
What do atoms have the ability of doing? Atoms have the ability of building up a charge by gaining or losing electrons.
According to the Law of Electrical Charge... Opposite charged objects attract Same charged objects repel Any charged objects attract any neutral charged objects.
What is static electricity? Static electricity is a buildup of opposite electrical charges.
Current electricity is? Electrons that are moving along a fixed path
What is the difference between conductors amd insulators? Conductors allow the movment of electricity and insulators oppose the movement.
Are resistors the same thing as insulators? No, Resistors allow some electricity flow whereas insulators do not allow any at all.
What are the definitions and unit of measurement of Current,Voltage and Resistance? Current-rate of flow;Ampere Voltage:force of flow;volts Resistance:obtacle of flow;ohm
What is Ohm's law state? Ohm's law states that there is a connection between amps, volts and ohms.
V=? I•R
R=? V/I
I=? V/R


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