Unit 1.1 simple circuits


FlashCards sobre Unit 1.1 simple circuits, criado por Burhan Igdeli em 25-08-2016.
Burhan Igdeli
FlashCards por Burhan Igdeli, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Burhan Igdeli
Criado por Burhan Igdeli quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is a charged atom called? An charged atom is called an Ion.
Why is the charge of an atom neutral? The positive charge of the protons and negative charge of the neutrons balances each other making it neutral.
What is current electricity? The electricity you get from a battery and power point.
How does current electricity travel? The electrons pass through objects like a light globe.
What happens to electrons that get removed from an atom? They join other atoms to make compounds, mixtures and other substances.
What is the charge of an atom? Neutral
What is an electric current? The movement of energy from a battery or power point.
What is static electricity? The build-up of electric charge on a surface.
What is an inter-cloud lightning? A lightning strike that occurs when there are positive and negative charges in the clouds.
name three things needed in a electric current? -wires -bulb -power point
What is an component? A element of a larger whole.
what is a voltmeter? an instrument for measuring electric potentials in volts.


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