Wordly Wise Book 8 Lesson 1 Flashcards


Vocabulary Words From Wordlywise Book 8 if you need it :)
Natnat Nacion
FlashCards por Natnat Nacion, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Natnat Nacion
Criado por Natnat Nacion mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Avid Having a strong desire for, to the point of greed. Eager; enthusiastic
Brusque Abrupt in manner of speech; gruff
Brusqueness The quality or state of being brusque
concise Short and to the point
demean To cause a lowering self-esteem; to lower in reputation or character
despicable deserving contempt or scorn
demeaning degrading
emulate to try to equal; to imitate
evoke to call forth; to produce to bring into mind, often by suggestion
evocative creating something again, especially through the imagination
excrutiating very painful
inaugurate to install in office with a formal ceremony to begin officially or mark the opening of
inaugaration the act of installing in office
pervade to spread throughout
pervasive spreading throughout
proprietor an owner of a store or other buisness
pseudonym a fictitious name used by an author; a pen name
rebuff to reject bluntly to drive back a blunt rejection an abrupt setback in progress
resilient capable of recovering quickly from misfortune returning quickly to an original shape or condition
resilience the ability to recover the ability to spring back
turbulent chaotic; unruly stormy; tempestuous
turbulence great disturbance or agitation rapid changes in wind speed and direction in the atmosphere


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