Interpersonal Communication Chapter 10


FlashCards sobre Interpersonal Communication Chapter 10, criado por hannah.brown4 em 01-05-2013.
FlashCards por hannah.brown4, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por hannah.brown4 aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Intimacy significant emotional closeness experienced in a relationship
commitment A desire to stay in a relationship
Interdependence A state in which each person's behaviors affect everyone else in the relationship
Investment The resources we put into our relationships
dialectical tensions conflicts between two important but opposing needs or desires
monogamy being in only one relationship at a time and avoiding romantic or sexual involvement with to others outside the relationship
infidelity having romantic or sexual interaction with someone outside of one's romantic relationship
polygamy a practice in which one person is married to two or more sposes at once
initiating stage the stage of relationship development when people meet and interact for the first time
experimenting stage the stage of relationship development when individuals have conversations to learn more about each other
intensifying stage the stage of relationship development when individuals move from being aquaintances to being close friends
integrating stage the stage of relationship development when a deep commitment has formed, and there is a strong sense that the relationship has its own identity
bonding stage the stage of relationship development when the partners publicly announce their commitment
communication privacy management (CPM) theory theory that explains how people manage the tension between privacy and disclosure
differentiating stage the stage of relationship dissolution when partners begin to see their differences as undesirable or annoying
circumscribing stage the stage of relationship dissolution characterized by decreased quality and quantity of communication between partners
stagnating stage the stage of relationship dissolution when the relationship stops growing and the partners are barely communicating with each other
avoiding stage the stage of relationship dissolution when partners create physical and emotional distance between themselves
terminating stage the stage of relationship dissolution when the relationship is deemed to be officially over
divorce the legal discontinuatin of a marraige
family of origin the family in which one grows up in
family of procreation the family one starts as an adult (often consisting of one's children and spouse)
rituals repetitive behaviors that have special meaning for a group or relationship
communication climate the emotional tone of a relationship
confirming messages behaviors that indicate how much we value another person
disconfirming messages behaviors that imply a lack of regard for another person
defensiveness excessive concern with guarding oneself against the threat of criticism
supportiveness a person's feeling of assurance that others care about and will protect them
non-evaluative feedback a reply that withholds assessment of what the speaker has said or done
evaluative feedback a reply that offers an assessment of what the speaker has said or done


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