8e- Solutions


FlashCards sobre 8e- Solutions, criado por Chameleon em 09-05-2013.
FlashCards por Chameleon, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Chameleon quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
solute + solvent = ? solution!
Solids dissolve in water to make a solution. These solids are soluble. A solution is made from a solute (solid) and a solvent (liquid).
Solids that don't dissolve are insoluble. Insoluble solids make water go cloudy and the solids sink to the bottom.
The total mass of a solution equals the mass of solvent added to the mass of the solute. Water- most common solute
If you keep adding solutes to a solvent, eventually the solvent will not dissolve. This is called a saturated solution. It can still dissolve if you add more solvent or increase the temperature
Filtration- used to separate solid particles which do not dissolve in the liquid they are in
Evaporation- used to separate dissolved substances from a solution e.g. salt water
Destillation (evaporation followed by condensation)- used to separate the liquid from the dissolved solid in a solution or one liquid from a mixture of liquids e.g. ink and water
Chromatography- used to separate individual colours from a mixture of colours e.g. ink


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