Complex Numbers, Matrices and Calculus - Term 2, Year 12


Math C (Complex Numbers, Matrices and Calculus - Term 2) FlashCards sobre Complex Numbers, Matrices and Calculus - Term 2, Year 12, criado por Valerie Shepherd em 27-04-2014.
Valerie Shepherd
FlashCards por Valerie Shepherd, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Valerie Shepherd
Criado por Valerie Shepherd aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What three equations may be derived from De Moivre's Theorum?
What is the equation for cos(A-B)?
What is the equation for sin(A-B)?
What is the equation for tan(A-B)?
What is the equation for cos(A+B)?
What is the equation for sin(A+B)?
What is the equation for tan(A+B)?
What are the equations for cos(2A)?
What is the equation for sin(2A)?
What is the equation for tan(2A)?
What are the Math B integral equations?
What are the Math C integral equations?
What are the non-trigonometric derivative equations?
What are the trigonometric derivative equations?
What is the general set-out of a Leslie Matrix (3x3)?
What is the general set-out of a Markov Chain Transitional matrix (3x3)?


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