

FlashCards sobre miRNAs, criado por Madeline Fielder em 22-05-2014.
Madeline Fielder
FlashCards por Madeline Fielder, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Madeline Fielder
Criado por Madeline Fielder quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
miR-132 Scott: Regulates LTD, delays object recognition memory. NMDA -> CREB-P -> miR-132 expression -// p250GAP translation p250GAP inhibits Rac so now Rac in the presence of kalirin can activate PAK to promote polymerisation p250GAP interacts with GluN2B, GluN2BK, and PSD-95
miR-138 Activates APT1 -> depalmitoylation of synaptic proteins e.g. activator of RhoA. Negative regulator of spines Found in dendritic regions, along with miRNA biosynthesis proteins : argonaute 2, dicer, p-body components
miR-3120 Targets dynamin 3 involved in the endocytosis pathway
Alzheimer's Disease Hsieh: b-CTF to drive AB production. Reduces EPSCs and occludes DHPG LTD. APP overexpression reduces GluA2 surface expression. APPMV doesn't. miRNAs may be involved in the altered processing of APP, leading to altered endocytosis (PICALM, Bin1 (amphiphysins)) proteins shown to be involved in AD.
PICK1 36 miRNAs shown to be involved in regulation of BAR domain needed for endocytosis
Ischaemia Stress -> changed miRNA expression -> changed receptor expression
miR-16 Binds to arginine rich elements on mRNA 3UTR regions to mediate degradation of mRNA. UTR region same in many tissues
miRNA target identification Expression profiling: memory task extract proteins, find what miRNAs Stem cells: create miRNA libraries from stem cells and add a gene to see the affect. 3UTR assays to determine miRNA binding to genes. Proteomics. TF OR PROTEIN?


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