Therapy could stop superbugs on farms


An alternative to antibiotics can be developed for the treatment of diseases
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FlashCards por mayerly cabra, atualizado more than 1 year ago
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Criado por mayerly cabra quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
¿What have researchers at Leicester University demonstrated? An alternative to antibiotics can be developed for the treatment of diseases
¿What are the viruses that have been identified? Bacteriófagos
¿How can bacteriophages be used? To kill common porcine infections.
¿What is the purpose of this bacterium? Reduce the risk of bacteria resistant to emerging antibiotics on farms that could also infect humans.
¿What happens if tests on pigs work? The new therapy could be extended to treat people.
¿What did Professor Martha Clokie say on BBC New? The first results indicated that phage therapy could be "completely transformative for human health". "There are many infections that we simply can not treat with antibiotics because they have become resistant to them"
¿For how long have scientists tried to develop phage treatments? More than a century, but for the most part they have proved to be unreliable
¿Who financed the research? The Board of Agriculture and Horticulture Development
¿Where do phage occur? Phages are produced in nature and are the natural enemy of many infectious agents.


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