Change between 1800 -1900


FlashCards sobre Change between 1800 -1900, criado por grace.cupper em 18-05-2013.
FlashCards por grace.cupper, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por grace.cupper quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Who was the Magic Bullet created by? Paul Ehrlich.
He combined a dye with other chemicals to cure what? Syphilis.
Who's research helped him to do this? Koch - his research on dyes to stain bacteria. Behring - his research on antitoxins (chemicals that kill bacteria)
One of his teams discovered that experiment 606 worked - The cure was called what? Salvarson 606.
Factors preventing progress Change can be scary, costly and can impact individual freedom and choice.
What was the Governments attitude to health? 'Laissez Faire' - leaving things to take their own course.
Factors helping change/progress? Individual genius' -Pasteur Government money for science teams Technology -Microscopes The Germ Theory and Communication -Travel.
Causes of death in 1900 TB, Pneumonia, Heart/Liver Disease
Causes of death in 1997 Heart/Chronic Lung Disease, Cancer, Strokes and Injury.
Why did these changes take place? Pasteurs germ theory - vaccinations. Awareness of cleanliness and bacteria. Improvement in surgery. Better diet. Better health care for the poor/women/children - clean hospitals.


Dates (Public Health)
savanna q
History- Key People
savanna q
The cause of disease 1600-1900
savanna q
Noções de Direito Administrativo
Alynne Saraiva
Noções de organização administrativa- - centralização, descentralização, concentração e desconcentração - adm direta e indireta - autarquias , fundações, empresas publicas, sem
Como estudar com eficiência
Alessandra S.
Função Polinomial do 1º Grau
Temas mais cobrados em Matemática
Marina Faria
Fonética, ortografia e acentuação gráfica
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Mapa Mental - Como Criar um Mapa Mental
Sistema Respiratório - Biologia
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