Factors that influence PRIMARY activities in the BMW


Mapa Mental sobre Factors that influence PRIMARY activities in the BMW, criado por swallace1 em 23-05-2013.
Mapa Mental por swallace1, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por swallace1 quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Factors that influence PRIMARY activities in the BMW
  1. Phyiscal Factors - Fishing
    1. Relief
      1. Continental Shelf - plankon live here so fish can feed
        1. Sheltered Bays - safe for fishing
          1. Calm Waters - ideal for fish farms
          2. Ocean Currents
            1. North Atlantic Drift - Keeps Ireland ice free
              1. Brings a variety of fish species
            2. Physical Factors - Farming
              1. Climate
                1. High rainfall - relief rainfall
                  1. Cooler climate that GDA
                    1. Hinders development of large scale agriculture
                    2. Soils
                      1. Infertile peat and gley soils
                        1. Hinders the development of large scale agriculture
                          1. Mushroom and poultry production in infertile areas
                          2. Relief
                            1. Upland - sheep & cattle grazing
                              1. Unsuitable for crop growing


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