Skeletal System


PAra trabajos
Diego  Del Cid
Mapa Mental por Diego Del Cid , atualizado more than 1 year ago
Diego  Del Cid
Criado por Diego Del Cid aproximadamente 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Skeletal System
  1. Bone Injuries and Diseases
    1. Broken Bones
      1. A break in a Bone is called fracture.
        1. The Bones Repair themselves in a solw process
      2. Arthrits
        1. When joints become irritated they wears away
        2. Osteoporisis
          1. It causes bones to weaken and become Brittle
        3. The Skeletal System and Homeostasis
          1. Homeostasis
            1. Is an Organism 's ability
              1. It need that all body systems fuction properly together
                1. Bones supply Calcium to
                  1. Nerves
                    1. Muscles
                      1. Heart
                  2. Healthy Bones
                    1. do Exercise
                      1. Bones builds a new bone tissue
                        1. Bones Weaken
                          1. Lose Corporal Mass
                          2. Do Exercise
                            1. Do Exercise


                        LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM
                        Patricia Garrido Camacho
                        SKELETAL SYSTEM
                        DAVID HERNÁNDEZ MORALES
                        skeletal system
                        leonardo fabio Garcia
                        Genética Molecular: Ácidos Nucleicos
                        Renata Cavazzana
                        Prazos – TJ – SP
                        HISTÓRIA REVOLUÇÃO FRANCESA
                        GoConqr suporte .
                        Regime Jurídico Único - 8.112/90 (QUADRO RESUMO)
                        Clara Fonseca
                        QUIZ DE CIÊNCIAS - FÍSICA
                        Clean Maria Reis
                        REVOLUÇÃO RUSSA
                        Savio Andrade