Social Work Skills-Development Framework


Break down of the skill-set I'd like to achieve at graduation and beyond in Social Work :)
Fleur M
Mapa Mental por Fleur M, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Fleur M
Criado por Fleur M quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Social Work Skills-Development Framework
  1. 1. Direct Social Work Practice
    1. 2. Clinical Service Management
      1. 3. Organisational Development
        1. 4. Policy
          1. 5. Research and Evaluation
            1. 6. Clinical Education and Professional Development


              Introduction to Social Work practice exam
              Jessica Auger
              Social Policy MidTerm
              Carl Rodgers - 19 Propositions
              ASWB Practice Test
              Shayna Rae
              HBSE 1 Exam 1
              Alissa West
              Legal Environment of Social Work
              Taylor Anderson
              Case Study
              Alanna Pearson
              Substance misusers: practice issues & approaches
              LMSW Licensure Exam
              Katherine Romero
              Social Work Law with Children - Legislation
              Alanna Pearson
              CBT, Mindfulness and Motivational interviewing
              phil s