"Entrapped, imprisoned and disempowered" position of women in Wuthering Heights


English Literature Mapa Mental sobre "Entrapped, imprisoned and disempowered" position of women in Wuthering Heights, criado por delaramasadi em 15-10-2014.
Mapa Mental por delaramasadi, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por delaramasadi mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

"Entrapped, imprisoned and disempowered" position of women in Wuthering Heights
  1. Catherine : "whip" her power since a very young age. her manipulative ways in controlling Edgar. rejects her role as wife and mother. "It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff", Doesn't have the power to marry him, Hindley would not allow it and she is reliant on Heathcliff for her life, most likely to become "beggars". Catherine controls Heathcliff alive and dead. Edgars obligation to her. Embrace of death. she's trapped at T.G she cant from Edgar or Religious Vow she made to him, she cannot reject religion and is therefore imprisoned by it.


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