Negotiation Excellence: Successful Deal Making


Mapa Mental sobre Negotiation Excellence: Successful Deal Making, criado por ivan cadavid em 19-09-2018.
ivan cadavid
Mapa Mental por ivan cadavid, atualizado more than 1 year ago
ivan cadavid
Criado por ivan cadavid mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Negotiation Excellence: Successful Deal Making
  1. Planning and Preparation for Effective Negotiation
    1. Negotiation Analysis: Know the Situation, Yourself, and Your Opponent
      1. Negotiation is often defined as three “I’s”
        1. they depend on each other to satisfy some needs but they also perceive the interests of the other party as conflicting with theirs
    2. Analyze the negotiation context: Opportunities and constraints
      1. there are some codes of conduct
        1. The historical
          1. Economical
            1. Legal
              1. socio-cultural
              2. There are different aspects to a negotiation
                1. 1. Assess the historical, political, legal, and cultural context in which negotiations take place
                  1. 2. Assess the purpose of the negotiation: Deal-making or dispute resolution?
                    1. 3. Assess the nature of the conflict: Are ideologies involved?
                      1. 4. Assess the temporality of the negotiation: One-shot or longterm?
                        1. 5. Assess external constraints: Is time an issue?
                          1. 6. Assess external constraints
                            1. 7. Assess external constraints: Communication channels
                          2. Analyze the negotiation structure and components
                            1. be complemented with a careful analysis of the structure of the negotiation
                              1. 1. Identify the negotiation parties.
                                1. 2. Define the issues
                                  1. 3. Understand the underlying interests
                                    1. 4. Consider alternatives
                                      1. 5. Create a scoring system and sort out preferences
                                        1. 6. Determine the target/aspiration and reservation/resistance points.
                                          1. 7. Assess your negotiation style
                                            1. 8. Practice perspective taking
                                              1. 9. Assess the relationship with the other party


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