What should one do?


Mapa Mental sobre What should one do?, criado por Jone Ramírez Martínez em 03-11-2018.
Jone Ramírez Martínez
Mapa Mental por Jone Ramírez Martínez, atualizado more than 1 year ago Mais Menos
Jone Ramírez Martínez
Criado por Jone Ramírez Martínez mais de 5 anos atrás
Jone Ramírez Martínez
Copiado por Jone Ramírez Martínez mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

What should one do?
  1. What makes you happy (teleological)
    1. Virtue ethics
      1. Utilitarianism
      2. What are your duties (deontological)
        1. Natural Law & Kant's categorial imperative
          1. Discourse ethics
            1. Justice and care
              1. JUSTICE give to everyone their due
                1. Commutative justice: between private individuals
                  1. Distributive Justice: how honors, wealth and burdens are shared among members of a community
                    1. Purely egalitarian: everybody gets the same thing, irrespective of circumstances.
                      1. Socialist: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs
                        1. Capitalist: Each gets back according to what he produces
                          1. Libertarian: distribute by free choices
                          2. Retributive Justice: fairness in punishment the wrongdoings
                            1. Compensatory Justice: restoring what a person has been deprived of or any wrong done to them
                            2. CARE: Ethics should not be impartial and should focus on relationships
                              1. Nurture valuable relationships, engage those who depend on and relate to us
                                1. Relationships are not valuable when abusive (domination, oppression, hatred...)
                                  1. Also care for oneself, do not betray our voluntary commitments
                                2. Civil Ethics


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