unit one Exploration and Conquest


Mapa Mental sobre unit one Exploration and Conquest, criado por James Margulies em 20-01-2019.
James Margulies
Mapa Mental por James Margulies, atualizado more than 1 year ago
James Margulies
Criado por James Margulies mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

unit one Exploration and Conquest
  1. Meso-America
    1. Mayan
      1. What happened
        1. warfare
          1. famine
            1. drought
            2. Known for
              1. Calendar
                1. Mathematicians
                  1. Writing system
                    1. Astronomers
                    2. population
                      1. 10 million
                        1. 40 cities
                      2. Incan
                        1. Agriculture
                          1. drainage systems and canals to expand their crop resources.
                            1. Potatoes, tomatoes, cotton, peanuts and coca
                              1. Llama for meat and transportation.
                            2. Aztec
                              1. population
                                1. 5 million
                                  1. 400-500 city states
                                    1. farmers and warriors
                                    2. practices
                                      1. Trade
                                        1. Tribute
                                          1. Human Sacrifice
                                          2. what happened
                                            1. warfare
                                        2. Norse Explorers
                                          1. discovered
                                            1. Iceland
                                              1. Greenland
                                              2. people
                                                1. Eric the red
                                                  1. Lief Eriksson
                                                2. CHRISTIANITY
                                                  1. 30 AD ­ Death of Jesus
                                                    1. 325 AD Constantine ­ Nicean Conference
                                                      1. 1054 AD Great Schism
                                                        1. 1096 AD Crusades Begin
                                                        2. MARCO POLO
                                                          1. IBN BATUTA
                                                            1. Traveled across the eastern continents
                                                            2. The Silk Road
                                                              1. connects roman empire to china
                                                                1. used to transport goods by land
                                                                2. CHINESE ­ ZHENG HE
                                                                  1. Much larger than columbuses ship
                                                                  2. RENAISSANCE
                                                                    1. starts in Italy
                                                                      1. lots of art
                                                                      2. Black Death ­ Bubonic Plague
                                                                        1. killed one third of Europe population
                                                                          1. Jews were blamed
                                                                          2. Protestant Reformation
                                                                            1. Martin Luther
                                                                              1. 95 thesis
                                                                              2. led to formation of Protestant churches
                                                                                1. criticism of Catholic Church impacted the spiritual, social, and cultural spheres of Europe
                                                                                2. SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION 1453­-1800
                                                                                  1. Copernicus
                                                                                    1. Heliocentric universe
                                                                                    2. Kepler
                                                                                      1. laws of planetary motion
                                                                                      2. Galileo
                                                                                        1. Father of Physics & Astronomy
                                                                                        2. Bacon
                                                                                          1. scientific method
                                                                                            1. Scientific Method ­ Four Steps: Hypothesis, Observation, Verification, Experimentation
                                                                                          2. Newton
                                                                                            1. "discovered" gravity
                                                                                            2. TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES
                                                                                              1. Moveable Type printing press
                                                                                                1. Sextant
                                                                                                  1. Marniers Compass
                                                                                                    1. Hartman Astrolabe
                                                                                                  2. COMMERCIAL REVOLUTION
                                                                                                    1. 3 G's
                                                                                                      1. Gold
                                                                                                        1. God
                                                                                                          1. Glory


                                                                                                        Teoria Geral da Administração(TGA)
                                                                                                        Flávio Machado Lobo
                                                                                                        Simulado Fuvest
                                                                                                        Alice Sousa
                                                                                                        Assistência de Enfermagem
                                                                                                        Caíque Jordan
                                                                                                        Principais temas para estudar em Biologia
                                                                                                        Marina Faria
                                                                                                        Coesão e Coerência
                                                                                                        Literatura - Gêneros Literários e seus Estilos
                                                                                                        Lucas da Costa
                                                                                                        DIREITO PROCESSUAL PENAL
                                                                                                        Joelma Silva
                                                                                                        Enem 3
                                                                                                        Robson Bueno
                                                                                                        Teorema de Pitágoras 2
                                                                                                        Paula Neto
                                                                                                        Princípios Expressos do Direito Administrativo
                                                                                                        Davi Albino Damacena JR
                                                                                                        Direito do Trabalho - Relação de Trabalho e Relação de Emprego
                                                                                                        Jacson Costa