Phonetics vs Phonology


Different between phonetics and phonology
Carolina Cuestas
Mapa Mental por Carolina Cuestas, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Carolina Cuestas
Criado por Carolina Cuestas aproximadamente 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Phonetics vs Phonology
  1. Phonetics is thus concerned with sound production while phonology studies sound behaviour in realisation
      1. Phonetics is a scientific description of what speech sounds exist in a language
        1. It represents
          1. how they are produced and perceived and what acoustic properties they have.
            1. Phonetics
              1. essentially seeks to trace the processes physiologically involved in sound production
                1. The major division in speech sounds is that between vowels and consonants.
                  1. a vowel
                    1. is a sound that is produced without any major constrictions in the vocal tract, so that there is a relatively free passage for the air
                      1. consonants
                        1. the airstream through the vocal tract is obstructed in some way. Consonants can be classified according to the place and manner of this obstruction
      2. PHONOLOGY
        1. Phonology is concerned with the regularities that govern the phonetic realisations of sounds in words of a language
          1. It looks
            1. at and tries to establish a system of sound distinctions relevant to a particular language
              1. Phonology
                1. actually delineates the functioning of sounds in particular contexts
                  1. we see the phoneme /t/ realised phonologically as
                    1. /th/ in tape /tL/ in kettle /tN/ in kitten /to/ in other positions as in Kate


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