Germany 1918-1934


Mapa Mental sobre Germany 1918-1934, criado por shax400 em 25-11-2014.
Mapa Mental por shax400, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por shax400 mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Germany 1918-1934
  1. 1932 - 1933
    1. Hindenburg cannot find a chancellor
    2. 1918
      1. Kaiser Abdicated
        1. War Ends
        2. 1932
          1. Nazis become largest party in the Reichstag
          2. 1929 - 33
            1. Economic Depression
            2. 1924 - 29
              1. Hitler reorganises Nazi Party
                1. Golden Age of Wiemar
                  1. 1925 Locarno
                    1. 1926 German in League
                      1. Culture, Economy, and Politics all doing well
                    2. 1923
                      1. French Occupations of the Rhur
                        1. Hyperinflation
                          1. Munich Putsch
                          2. 1921
                            1. Hitler Becomes Leader of the Nazi Party
                            2. 1924
                              1. Hitler sent to Prison
                                1. Dawes Plan
                                2. 1919
                                  1. Spartacist Upraising
                                    1. Treaty of Versailles
                                      1. Weimar Constitution
                                        1. Hitler joins the German Workers Party
                                        2. 1920
                                          1. Kapp Putsch
                                          2. 1929
                                            1. Young Plan
                                              1. Wall Street Crash
                                              2. 1933
                                                1. Hitler becomes Chancellor
                                                  1. Reichstag Fire
                                                    1. Enabling Act
                                                      1. Banning Trade Unions
                                                        1. Banning of Political Parties
                                                        2. 1934
                                                          1. Night of the long Knives
                                                            1. Hindenburg dies
                                                              1. Hitler becomes Fuhrer


                                                              Noções Gerais de Direito Administrativo
                                                              Alynne Saraiva
                                                              Etica da Advocacia
                                                              Ecologia III
                                                              Luiz Antonio Lopes
                                                              DOENÇA MENTAL E TRATAMENTO -Texto 16
                                                              Projeto Med 2015: História e Geografia_2
                                                              Abordagens de Gestão
                                                              Gute Gewohnheiten erfolgreicher Schüler
                                                              Geologia 10º Ano
                                                              Maria Ferreira
                                                              Hugo Fonseca
                                                              Y2 - Week 1
                                                              Natalia André