Roaring 20's


Charlie Gregory
Mapa Mental por Charlie Gregory, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Charlie Gregory
Criado por Charlie Gregory mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Roaring 20's
  1. Growth of Isolationism
    1. America wanted to me alone.
      1. The USA entered late and gained from ww1
        1. The American economy boomed as a result of ww1
          1. The USA exported weapons and food to Europe during the war.
            1. The USA joined the Allied side in 1917
              1. After the war, European countries whose industries had been damaged bought American goods with the help of American loans.
              2. Cheap European Imports were seen as a threat
                1. American businesses were afraid that the USA would would be flooded with cheap european imports
                  1. Unemployment was higher in Europe so European workers were willing to work for lower wages
                    1. Buisnessmen were worried American consumers would start buying European products rather than the more expensive American ones
                      1. This means: Loss of American jobs, Lower profits for US companies, Less money in takes for the US government
                      2. Warren G Harding
                        1. Raised tariffs to protect US industry
                          1. Elected president in 1921.
                            1. May 1921: he introduced Emergency Tariff Act
                              1. The act increased the tariff rates on imported farm products
                              2. Tariffs are taxes on imported and exported goods.
                                1. In 1922, the Fordney-McCumber Tariff gave the president the power to raise and lower the tariff rates
                                  1. Harding used the Fordney-McCumber Tariff to raise duties on both factory and farm goods.
                                  2. He hoped to protect America from "unfair" European competition
                                  3. Immigration control was increased
                                    1. Before ww1, America followed an 'Open Door' policy that allowed almost anybody to move to the USA. Some Americans started demanding that this 'door' be closed.
                                      1. The most powerful and wealthy cultural group in America at this time were people with mainly British ancestors - later known as White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPS).
                                        1. 1) Many WASP's believed that people such as anarchists and communists were coming into the USA and undermining the American way of life
                                          1. 2) They were also alarmed at the number of Asian, Catholic and Jewish people who were entering the USA.
                                          2. The WASPs had great influence in Congress (the American parliment). As a consequence, President Harding decided to place strict limitations on immigration, especially from Eastern and Southern Europe.
                                            1. In 1921, Congress passed an act which introduced a quota system. Annual immigration was reduced from over one million about 150,000 in 1929.


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