The Constitution: Review


Mapa Mental sobre The Constitution: Review, criado por asiemasko em 30-01-2015.
Mapa Mental por asiemasko, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por asiemasko aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Constitution: Review
  1. The Articles of Confederation
    1. What it was
      1. Purpose
        1. Flaws
          1. Shays Rebellion
          2. The Constitution
            1. The Father
              1. Checks and Balances
                1. Definition:
                  1. Reason:
                    1. Examples
                    2. Term Limits and Election Cycles
                      1. Reason:
                        1. Examples
                        2. The 3 Branches of Gov
                        3. The bill of Rights
                          1. 1:
                            1. 2:
                              1. 3:
                                1. 4:
                                  1. 5:
                                    1. 6:
                                      1. 7:
                                        1. 8:
                                          1. 9:
                                            1. 10:
                                              1. Why:
                                                1. Federalists:
                                                  1. AntiFederalists


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