Mental Ilness


Mapa Mental sobre Mental Ilness, criado por Iqra Abbas em 15-02-2015.
Iqra Abbas
Mapa Mental por Iqra Abbas, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Iqra Abbas
Criado por Iqra Abbas aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Mental Ilness
  1. Duplication
    1. duplicate on person
      1. do different things
        1. could symbolize multiple personality disorder
          1. inspired by mystery guitar man
    2. Ghostly Shadows
      1. Paranoia or PTSD
        1. Ghostly images in mundane
          1. seeing dead people
            1. depiction of in the mind
      2. Merging Images
        1. Collaboration of two sides
          1. symbolic for bipolar
            1. presents the two extremities
              1. inspired by teen wolf poster
          2. Double Exposure
            1. covering faces
              1. hiding from their ilness?
                1. hiding it from the world becuase its 'not normal'
                  1. reveal themselves TRUTHFULLY
                    1. inspired by PansLabrynth
              2. Perfect Vs Imprfect
                1. symbolic for schizophrenia
                2. Hand signs
                  1. spell out help me
                    1. looking for escape
                  2. Physical Edits
                    1. scratch out images
                      1. shows loss of identity of loss of life
                        1. inspired by insidious poster


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