mindmap unit 5


Mapa Mental sobre mindmap unit 5, criado por Jack Evans em 14-01-2020.
Jack Evans
Mapa Mental por Jack Evans, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jack Evans
Criado por Jack Evans mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

mindmap unit 5
  1. review two audio products identifying features, purpose and audience 14/1/20
    1. i have started to describe the purpose for my first podcast
      1. i have now started the features of the podcasts
    2. plan, design,consider alternative ideas for 2 audio products
      1. i have chosen the news story i will cover and i have started discussing the purpose and audience
        1. i have started to write my script for my news podcast
        2. complete my timeline for my first podcast, then complete my second script for my second podcast
          1. i have continued my second script and i have finished my first timeline
        3. start my second asset list and timeline
          1. do my second asset list and timeline
            1. finish your timeline and start recording
              1. finish last parts of my podcasts


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