Harriet Tubman


Mapa Mental sobre Harriet Tubman, criado por Sedona Smith em 18-09-2013.
Sedona Smith
Mapa Mental por Sedona Smith, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sedona Smith
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Resumo de Recurso

Harriet Tubman
  1. Where did she live and work?
    1. As a slave, Tubman lived in Caroline County, Maryland as she worked on plantations. As a free woman, Tubman lived back and forth between Canada in the winter and Philadelphia or Cape May in the summer. She worked as a cook in hotels or bringing slaves into Canada to become free.
    2. How did she become a hero?
      1. Harriet Tubman became a hero because she risked her life while she brought slaves across the border into Canada to become free from slavery.
      2. When did she live?
        1. Harriet Tubman lived in the time of slaves, specifically the 1850s and the decades around it.
        2. Who was she?
          1. Harriet Tubman was a fugitive slave who took other want-to-be-free slaves along the Underground Railroad. She gave hope to people about a free life.
          2. Why is she so important?
            1. Harriet Tubman is an important historical figure because she is one of the most well-known slaves who freed herself. She is also important to history because she helped others to believe in a free life and a free country.
            2. What did she do?
              1. Harriet Tubman worked to abolish slavery, and she helped others escape their lives of slavery.


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