Amanda Wingfield


Character Sketch
Mapa Mental por lisha.govender97, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por lisha.govender97 aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Amanda Wingfield
  1. Faded Southern Belle
    1. gentile upper-class woman fallen on hard times
      1. most vibrant when telling stories of her former life as a Southern Belle
      2. Past vs. Present
        1. caught between past and present
          1. REALITY -realises her families situation is dire(live in rundown apartment)
            1. Tries to help situation, but is ill-equipped
          2. Raised as priveledged woman, never expected to be in this situation
            1. stress of what she expected her life to be like and what it is forces her to retreat into memories of her "glory days"
              1. Lives between fantasy and reality
          3. Her Family
            1. Abandoned by her husband who she loves, has to care for her two children Tom and Laura
              1. Laura is Handicapped, Amanda refuses to acknowledge this
                1. Views Tom as a man but also as her child, nags him constanly
                  1. As a mother Amanda loves her children deeply and only wants the best for them, but does not realise that what she wants for them is not necessarily best for them
                2. Lives through her children
                3. Personality
                  1. Larger than life
                    1. Lacks the objectivity to see herself as other sees her
                      1. Giddy and Frivolous
                        1. can very easily be very chatty and charming
                          1. Possesses great determination and strength
                            1. unrealistic
                            2. is often humoured by her children,
                              1. her over the Top statements make her seem ridiculous
                                1. she cannot handle failure
                                  1. uses distacting dialogue
                                    1. greatest achievement is receiving 17 gentleman callers in one day
                                      1. Amanda senses her son is also going to leave her and tries to force him to stay
                                        1. does not want Laura to become like her, projects feminine ideals on Laura
                                        2. She cant see the world for it really is,lives in a perpetual state of illusion
                                          1. she cant not always see how desperate her actions,are making her a very tragic character


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