SAB4#114 Manage Communication


Rita 407 HF 524-525
Mapa Mental por anesio.benna, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por anesio.benna aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

SAB4#114 Manage Communication
  1. Communications management plan
    1. Work performance reports
      1. Enterprise Evironmental Factors EEFs
        1. Organizational Process Assets OPAs
          1. Communication technology
            1. Communication models
              1. Communication methods
                1. Information management systems
                  1. Performance reporting
                    1. Process: 10.2 Manage Communication
                      1. Process Group: EXECUTING
                        1. Knowledge Area: Communications Management
                          1. Project Communications
                            1. Project management plan updates
                              1. Project documents updates
                                1. Organizational Process Assets updates
                                  1. Comuniccation Blockers. The exam has often had one or two questions that as "What can get in the way of communications?" or The following has occurred; what is wrong?" The answer may include:
                                    1. Noisy surroundings
                                      1. Distance between those trying to communicate
                                        1. Improper ecoding of messages
                                          1. Making negative statements
                                            1. Hostility
                                              1. Language
                                                1. Culture
                                                2. Actors SENDER and RECEIVER: SENDER: encoding ; RECEIVER: decoding.


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