Child Immigration Crisis on the U.S. Border


Mapa Mental sobre Child Immigration Crisis on the U.S. Border, criado por dana bonner em 30-03-2015.
dana bonner
Mapa Mental por dana bonner, atualizado more than 1 year ago
dana bonner
Criado por dana bonner aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Child Immigration Crisis on the U.S. Border
  1. Reunite with their parents
    1. Have no one in their home country
      1. Curious about their parents, want to know why they left
      2. Have Protection
        1. Home country is extremely dangerous
          1. Gang Violence is extremely bad in like Honduras and El Salvador
          2. Someone in their home is abusive them. Danger in home
            1. Do not want to be force to join a gang: If they refuse family is and that person is threaten
              1. Leaving from extortion
              2. Have more money
                1. Poverty is extremely low
                  1. Need money for their family
                    1. Many children leave so they can help their family with money


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