suntainable future


Pakhi Shikder
Mapa Mental por Pakhi Shikder, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Pakhi Shikder
Criado por Pakhi Shikder mais de 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

suntainable future
  1. where
    1. what
      1. astetics
        1. age groups
          1. materials
            1. non replenishable
              1. high amounts of one product needed
              2. reproducible
                1. cotton
                  1. silk
                    1. wood
                2. households
                  1. outdoor
                    1. tamilies
                      1. home
                    2. when
                      1. present
                        1. muristic
                          1. futuristic
                            1. astetic
                              1. looks
                                  1. out of this world
                                    1. ' allen ' technology
                            2. who
                              1. tenager
                                1. school
                                  1. collage
                                2. innourative
                                  1. fashion
                                    1. home
                                      1. smart materials
                                        1. themocromic
                                          1. robot


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