business cards, meetings, communication and socializing


business cards, meetings, communication and socializing
Mapa Mental por calla101, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por calla101 quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

business cards, meetings, communication and socializing
  1. meetings
    1. Developed several people to exchange information
      1. advantage
        1. Definition of group
          1. reviewed information
            1. superior results
              1. commitment
          2. Business Card
            1. Physically connecting the customer to the company
              1. exchange
                1. generates business opportunity
                2. communication and socializing
                  1. inflicted process between a person and his fellows
                    1. social behavior
                      1. Action of individuals
                        1. interaction
                          1. planning activities


                      12.1 ATTENDING MEETINGS
                      Adelaida Granados
                      Figuras de linguagem
                      Roberta Souza
                      Direito ambiental
                      GoConqr suporte .
                      Seguridade Social 3 - Organização e Princípios Constitucionais
                      André Cavallini
                      Arte do Renascimento Séc.XV - XVI
                      Vestibular - Guia de Estudos
                      Alessandra S.
                      Sistema Circulátorio
                      Daniela Barreto3004
                      Direito Constitucional focado (INSS 2016) - Direitos e Garantias Fundamentais e Administração Pública
                      Thiago Amério
                      Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica - HAS
                      Katye dos Passos Rodrigues