Neutral tones


Mapa Mental sobre Neutral tones, criado por Meg Baxter8580 em 15-05-2015.
Meg Baxter8580
Mapa Mental por Meg Baxter8580, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Meg Baxter8580
Criado por Meg Baxter8580 aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Neutral tones
  1. General Themes
    1. Monochromatic
      1. Love is harsh
        1. Once the puzzle has been solved, love is over
          1. Love deceives
          2. Stanza 1
            1. "winter day"
              1. Pathetic fallacy
                1. cold and colourless/ dead
                  1. (like the relationship has become)
                2. "sun was white"
                  1. Lack of...
                    1. Colour
                      1. Warmth
                        1. energy
                      2. "starving sod"
                        1. monosyllabic, cold (God hasn't provided)
                        2. "ash"
                          1. ambiguous
                          2. "gray"
                            1. death
                              1. lack of colour
                            2. Stanza 2
                              1. "eyes that rove"
                                1. no eye contact
                                2. "tedious riddles"
                                  1. boring, pointless
                                  2. "some words played"
                                    1. game/ complicated
                                      1. playful, contrasting
                                    2. Stanza 3
                                      1. "smile.... was the deadest thing"
                                        1. anticipation is dashed
                                          1. contrast
                                          2. "grin of bitterness"
                                            1. contrast, cold
                                            2. "alive enough to have strength to die"
                                              1. oxymoronic
                                                1. death= weak
                                                  1. strength= want
                                                  2. "swept"
                                                    1. Swiftness
                                                    2. "ominous bird-a-wing"
                                                      1. simile
                                                        1. warning
                                                        2. ellipses...
                                                          1. Cliffhanger, suspense
                                                        3. Stanza 4
                                                          1. "since then"
                                                            1. TIME
                                                            2. "keen lessons that love deceives"
                                                              1. learnt the hard way
                                                              2. "wrings with wrong"
                                                                1. leaves you emotionally drained, robbed
                                                                2. Cyclical
                                                                  1. Bad memory


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