

Journals of Book Keeping
Cikgu Sum
Mapa Mental por Cikgu Sum, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Cikgu Sum
Criado por Cikgu Sum quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. General Journal
    1. 1. Buy assets on credit
      1. 2. Drawings by owner
        1. 3. Additional Capital
        2. Sales Journal
          1. 1.Sale to debtor on credit...
            1. 2. Invoice to debtor...
              1. 3.Sold to...
              2. Purchases Journal
                1. 1.Buy on credit from creditors
                  1. 2.Received invoice from creditors
                  2. Returns Inwards Journal
                    1. 2. Sent credit note to Debtors
                      1. 1.Received returns goods from debtors.
                      2. Returns Outwards Journal
                        1. 1. Return goods to crediors
                          1. 2.Received credit note from creditors


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