Treatment of the Jews (1933-1939)


Mapa Mental sobre Treatment of the Jews (1933-1939), criado por Adeola Johnson em 09-06-2015.
Adeola Johnson
Mapa Mental por Adeola Johnson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Adeola Johnson
Criado por Adeola Johnson quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Treatment of the Jews (1933-1939)
  1. The Nazis saw the Jews as a threat so would make life hard for them
    1. 1933: Jewish Businesses were boycotted, Jewish lawyers, teachers and doctors were sacked. Jewish actors and musicians were banned from performing in public
      1. 1934: Jews were banned from public places i.e. parks, swimming pools
        1. 1935: Nuremberg Laws - Jews were no longer citizens, they weren't allowed to marry Aryans
          1. 1938: KRISTALLNACHT - Jewish shops and synagogues set on fire and vandalised, Jews forced to pay for the damage to their property. Many Jews arrested and some killed. Jewish doctors, dentist and lawyers couldn't work with Ayrans
            1. Jews were persecuted because
              1. Many Jews were successful and were professionals or had big businesses
                1. They were used as a scapegoat
                  1. Associated with communism
                    1. Blamed for Germany's defeat in WW1


                    Alessandra S.
                    Estações do Ano
                    Alessandra S.
                    Sala de Aula Invertida
                    REGÊNCIA VERBAL
                    Músculos e ossos - Nível fácil
                    Daniel Pereira
                    Matemática 9º ano
                    Carlos Itapecuru
                    Contextualização Aula 01 - Desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade Ambiental - Medicina
                    Jéssica Meireles
                    REVOLUÇÃO RUSSA
                    Savio Andrade