

Close Project Phase
Oscar De la O
Mapa Mental por Oscar De la O, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Oscar De la O
Criado por Oscar De la O mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. 1. Project Manager Plan
    1. 2. Acceptep Deliverables by QA
      1. 3. OPA's
        1. Expert Jugment : Makes sure that all the work is done and that each deliverable has been accepted by the stakeholders.
          1. Analytical Techniques : Regression Analysis or Trend Analysis to analyze the data produced during the project and make suggestions for how to improve other projects in the future.
            1. Meetings : Formal, informal, remote.
              1. OPA's : Lessons learned are finished in Close Project, but must be written down throughout the entire project by the PM and the whole team.
                1. 1. Final Product, Service or Result Transition : The thing your customers will remember most
                  1. 3. Sign off Project


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