The Islamic rites of passage - Marriage


Mapa Mental sobre The Islamic rites of passage - Marriage, criado por Helena Korevaar em 05-11-2013.
Helena Korevaar
Mapa Mental por Helena Korevaar, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Helena Korevaar
Criado por Helena Korevaar mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Islamic rites of passage - Marriage
  1. The ceremony
    1. Where can it be held
      1. The brides home
        1. The mosque
        2. Who can perform the ceremony
          1. The Imam
            1. Any qualified Muslim
            2. What happens at the ceremony
              1. Verses are recited from the Qur'an
                1. The Imam wishes the couple good health
                  1. Rings are exchanged
                2. preparation
                  1. Bride
                    1. Henna is put on the hands\arms\feet\legs. (optional)
                      1. Traditional clothes are put on
                      2. Groom
                        1. Traditional clothes are put on


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