Concept of Culture Part 1


Mapa Mental sobre Concept of Culture Part 1, criado por Louise Brennan em 09-11-2013.
Louise Brennan
Mapa Mental por Louise Brennan, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Louise Brennan
Criado por Louise Brennan mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Concept of Culture Part 1
  1. Culture allows us to look at similarity and diffrences in the socail world
    1. Customary ways people behve towards each other
      1. Non- Material
        1. the world of ideas created by members of society. Mental capcities, thoughts,behaviour and actions
          1. Values and Rules
            1. Both involve cultural practices- The practical logics by which we think little encounters
          2. Material
            1. tangiable things created by members of society
              1. How Society Works ?
                1. Is diverse&cretive
                  1. not inherirted
                    1. Constrains of faciltates particular sort of actions
                    2. 5 major components:>Symbols >Language >Vaules >Norms >Material Culture
                      1. Norms:Rules and expectations by which society guides the behaviour. > important > emotional attachment >Breaking=treat >some are translatted into law
                        1. Language:Includes spoken,written and sign- very important components. >Means of cultural reproduction, shapes reality-has own distinct symbols. >shapes the way we think
                          1. Values: are standards people have-vary fromculture to culture: >percive are surrounding >form a moral world
                            1. Material Culture is these elements that distinguish are society from another
                            2. Symbols: Anything carries particular meaning e.g Red Light. Creates and mainpulate symbolss- Canvary around the world


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