Why is the Byzantine Empire considered so successful?


Mapa Mental sobre Why is the Byzantine Empire considered so successful?, criado por sgrill em 19-10-2015.
Mapa Mental por sgrill, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por sgrill mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Why is the Byzantine Empire considered so successful?
  1. Strong Economy
    1. Strong central government controlled prosperous economy
      1. Peasants formed the backbone of the empire
        1. Worked the land
          1. Payed taxes
            1. provided soldiers for the military
            2. Preserved a healthy money economy
              1. coin accepted from Europe to China
              2. Wealthy from trade
              3. Strong Military
                1. Soldiers, ships, and sailors protected the empire
                  1. Byzantine built one of the strongest military forces in the world
                    1. Fortifications protected the capital
                      1. Relied on a secret weapon
                        1. Called Greek Fire
                          1. Liquid that probably contained petroleum
                            1. Set people on fire and couldn't be put out
                          2. Justinian served as a powerful ruler
                            1. He caused the Byzantine to reach its peak
                              1. Determined to revive ancient Rome by recovering lands
                                1. recovered the lands that had been run over by invaders
                                2. Created Justinian's Code
                                  1. A Body of Civil Law
                                    1. Passed by Roman Assemblies
                                      1. Greatly influenced emperors and future generations
                                      2. Rebuilt the Capital-Land of Splendor
                                        1. Rebuilt the Hagia Sophia
                                      3. Vital Location
                                        1. Elaborate defense system
                                          1. Land and sea walls to bolster its defenses
                                          2. Excellent harbor for trading
                                            1. Served as a key trade route
                                              1. Large money flow that helped economy
                                              2. Guarded on 3 sides by water
                                                1. Attacks to Empire largely unsuccessful


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