Geometrìa plana


Mapa Mental sobre Geometrìa plana, criado por María Caballero em 22-11-2022.
María Caballero
Mapa Mental por María Caballero, atualizado more than 1 year ago
María Caballero
Criado por María Caballero mais de 1 ano atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Geometrìa plana
  1. The hypotenuse
    1. Concept
      1. Of a right triangle is always the side opposite the right angle
      2. Example
        1. Note:Representation of the hypotenuse. Autoria propia (2022)
      3. Cathetus opposite
        1. Concept
          1. Is the side opposite the given angle.
          2. Example
            1. Note.Opposite cathetus representation.Autoria propia(2022)
          3. Adjacent Cathetus:
            1. Concept
              1. Is the side that is next to the given angle, and that is not the hypotenuse.
              2. Example
                1. Note. Adjacent cathetus representation.Autoria propia(2022)
              3. Exterior angle
                1. Example
                  1. Note.Exterior angle representation. Autoria propia(2022)
                  2. Concept
                    1. Is formed by one side of the figure
                  3. Interior angle
                    1. Example
                      1. Note. Interior angle representation. Autoria propia (2022)
                      2. Concept
                        1. Is contained within the polygon


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